Suffer from angina and myocardial infarction may feel pain or pressure on the chest wall (Chest wall). This feeling may be accompanied, in some cases, sweating, feeling of suffocation, shortness of breath, nausea, and a sense of the overall weak year. This situation constitutes an emergency situation requiring urgent medical intervention. Treatment options in such cases are many and varied, but the best option is prevention. Not smoking, maintaining the balance of fat levels in the blood, the practice of physical activity - are examples of acts and preventative. When this condition occurs there are many treatment options, including drug treatment. Some oral and some by injection into a vein. Can coronary vascular catheter. Tube is inserted a catheter through an artery in the groin is usually down to the coronary blood vessels, through the demonstration of blood vessels. By catheter can open and expand blood vessels narrowed, by inflatable balloon or stent implantation supports the inner walls of the blood vessels and keep the artery open with a capacity of original diameter. There are other ways, too, including injection of different drugs in coronary blood vessels, in addition to topical treatments scans blood vessels.
It may be sometimes necessary to transfer the patient to the operating room for a taste of the process of coronary artery bypass (Coronary artery bypass graft). This surgery can be conducted expeditiously as a process emergency surgery, or surgery as a process of pre-planned on the basis of the results of different tests require surgical intervention.
May become heart muscle disease caused by infectious inflammation of heart disease caused by viruses, due to interactions with the immune system, interfere with or caused by alcohol and drug abuse.
There are four heart valves. Each one of these valves may suffer damage that occurs defect in his work. And classified the fundamental upheaval in the work of the heart valves into two groups: the narrowing of the heart valve and the expansion of the heart valve. Stenosis affects the ability to pump blood and transferred between the parts (rooms) different in the heart, which requires more pressure to pump blood in order to reach the normal level, which is usually pumped by the heart. As in the case of the expansion valve, the blood flow will continue until the time that is supposed to prevent heart blood flow, the valve completely. Heart valve can be likened to the expanding water faucet leaking water them, while can be likened narrowed heart valve with tap water does not open fully.
Heart disease in heart valves may be congenital (congenital - Congenital Disease) and then expect to hear heart murmurs (Heart murmur) when listening to the voice of the heart. It may be acquired as a result of various infectious heart disease, which can cause damage, directly or indirectly, to heart valves. As well as the process of atherosclerosis, too, can cause damage to heart valves. Signs of heart disease in the valves and their symptoms: shortness of breath, a drop in physical fitness and a growing fatigue, coronary syndrome, cardiac arrhythmias, coma repeated
The treatment of heart disease and valves are, in general, by drugs. Sometimes, there may be a need for a catheter (Catheterization) that will help in the diagnosis, but also in the treatment of heart disease in the valves. It may be necessary, in some cases, surgery to repair or replace the valve, that was artificially (Artificial valve).
There is connected to the heart is responsible for the transfer of electrical signals that stimulate the heart contractions system, regulating the timing of contraction and regulate the relationship between the contractions of the ventricles and between contractions of the atria. Has been occurring in, sometimes, something goes wrong in the work of the electrical transport system can be reflected in: the accelerated pace of the heart, slowing the pace of the heart, irregular pace of the heart, or the absence of any clear time relationship between the timing of the contractions of the ventricles and the timing of the contractions of the atria. Arrhythmias (Arrhythmia) This may be accompanied by the following symptoms: sense heart rate, fatigue, shortness of breath, or fainting. Causal factors for heart rhythm disorders may include: medication intake person to treat other physical problem, stiffness in the transport and delivery system, disorders of the valves and other factors that have an impact on the transport system.
Address the transportation problems Options include pharmacological treatments, or stop taking a particular drug covered by the patient and cause the disorder, but sometimes it may require a pacemaker implant artificial (Artificial pacemaker) pacemaker or electric shock treatment. Overall, the type of disorder the type of treatment, caused by the potential for arrhythmias and clinical effects.
When erupts doubt the existence of a certain type of heart disease, you should go to your family doctor or a doctor who specializes esoteric diseases. And sometimes, according to different data, it may also be necessary to consult a doctor who specializes in heart disease (Cardiologist).
The decision on the introduction of a catheter and a pillar (Stent), and a taste of coronary artery bypass operation, is to be made in consultation between cardiologists and cardiac surgeons. If the number of injured arteries, it is practice, usually, surgery and not catheter.
Symptoms of Heart Disease
Heart disease symptoms vary depending on the disease.
* Symptoms of cardiovascular disease (Cardiovascular Disease - CVD):
Caused cardiovascular disease for stenosis, a blockage and hardening of the blood vessels, leading to the failure to receive the heart, brain or other organs in the body sufficient amount of blood.
Symptoms of cardiovascular disease include:
* Chest pain (angina pectoris - Angina pectoris)
* Shortness of breath (Dyspnea)
* Pain, numbness, weakness and feeling cold in the legs and arms, if he got narrowing of the blood vessels where
Symptoms of heart disease caused by arrhythmias (Arrhythmia):
Arrhythmias is cardiac arrhythmia. Arrhythmias may include heart beat at a higher rate than normal, at a lower rate than normal or irregularly.
Heart disease symptoms associated with heart rhythm systems include:
* Flap (twitching) in the chest
* Tachycardia (fast pulse - Tachycardia)
* Bradycardia (slow pulse Bradycardia)
* pain in chest
* Shortness of breath
* Dizziness
* Syncope (fainting - Fainting / Syncope) or close the case of syncope
Symptoms of heart disease resulting from a defect in the heart:
Defect (Congenital defect) in acute heart can be detected, usually in a matter of hours, days, weeks or months after birth. Symptoms of defects heart disease include:
* Skin-colored light gray or blue (cyanosis - Cyanosis)
* Swelling in the abdomen, legs and around the eyes
* Shortness of breath by eating eating, causing an increase in weight is not enough
Birth defects less severe and dangerous are diagnosed, often, late at all from childhood or even in adulthood.
Symptoms of congenital defects in the heart, which does not pose an immediate threat to life, including:
* Ease of shortness of breath occurs, as a result of the practice of physical activity or sports
* Ease of feeling tired, as a result of the practice of physical activity or sports
* Accumulation of fluid in the heart or in the lungs
* Swelling of the hands, ankles or feet in the palms
Symptoms of heart disease caused by cardiomyopathy (Cardiomyopathy):
Cardiomyopathy means that the heart muscle becomes thicker and stiffer. Sometimes, in the early stages of cardiomyopathy, any symptoms do not show at all. As the disease worsens and the worsening of, symptoms may include:
* Shortness of breath when you exert any effort, or even time to rest
* Swelling of the legs, ankles and feet
* Distension (expansion) in the abdomen due to accumulation of fluid
* Fatigue
* Heart rhythm disorder acceleration, palpitations and flutter
* Dizziness and fainting
Symptoms of heart disease caused by pollution
There are three types of pollutants in the heart:
* Pericarditis (inflammation of the heart membrane Pericarditis), is an inflammation of the tissue (membrane) which covers the heart
* Myocarditis (Myocarditis), affects the middle layer of the heart muscle
* Endocarditis (Endocarditis), affects the inner membrane that separates the chambers of the heart and its valves
Symptoms of heart disease caused by pollution in the heart, according to the type of infection that is different, and include:
* Fever
* shortness of breath
* Weakness and fatigue
* Swelling in the legs or abdomen
* Changes in the pace of the heart beat
* Dry cough or prolonged
* Skin rash or unusual spots
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