How to protect yourself from cancer of the penis without side effects
Causes and symptoms and treatment of cancer of the penis
From more diseases that have become the focus of attention of all the scientific research is that malignant disease, cancer, and in the recent period increased preparation of this disease in different types, and for men, we will look to one of the cancers that afflict men, which is not known many of them for the number, penile cancer , is one of the types of rare cancers in men, but can not be ignored, we have to know everything related to the disease in order to avoid hindsight, here we'll talk about all their own thing of the causes and symptoms and also the treatment.
Types of penile cancer is the most common: Because the disease affects different parts of the penis, recent studies have revealed the most vulnerable species and the disease and their types also are as follows:
◄ squamous cell carcinoma : the cells that cover the surface of the penis from abroad
◄ glandular cell carcinoma : a sweat gland cells in the penis
◄ melanoma cancer : the injured cells responsible for the color of skin of the penis
Causes disease penile cancer : There are many reasons and habits that we do every day without
notice or expect it could be the cause of the injury this kind of cancer :
◄ lack of circumcision : that leads to cancer risk
◄ age, especially since the beginning of the sixty : this disease is very common among men whose age exceeded sixty years
◄ smoking : one of the factors that affect the human body and exposure to the disease
◄ infection with tumor HPV (human papillomavirus) HPV: which leads to be some bumps on the skin surface of the skin of the penis
Symptoms of penile cancer : should the man noticed any new changes appear in the penis, so that he can diagnose any disease early and can cure it before entering late cases are difficult to treat, and should refer to the doctor if there any changes to advise you the correct advice, and The main symptom that should go unnoticed and refers to the beginning of the disease cancer of the penis :
◄ skin ulcers that appear on the penis remain for long periods without treatment may exceed four weeks
◄ out blood and bleeding from the penis suddenly and without any wounds or injuries
◄ exotic secretions with the stench of them exotic colors
◄ the exterior color of the penis may be changed
◄ sudden rash on the penis surface
The treatment of penile cancer: The doctor diagnoses the case, to determine whether at the beginning or later, and also determines the size and speed of spread of infection may be one of these treatment options
◄ cream chemotherapy if it was the case in the beginning and the size of the deployment constraints as well as the speed of deployment
◄ laser operations may be an alternative to the removal of the cancer cells and infected areas of skin solution
◄ final stage is a treatment using radiation or chemicals, if the case is advanced and difficult to control
Prevention of the disease : They always say prevention is better than a thousand cure, this argument has been ratified at that time, it is the most important methods of prevention of this disease, and good personal hygiene to avoid infections germ that will be the beginning of the disease are complex, as well as circumcision at a fraction of the main reasons for the age protection from the disease.
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