Symptoms of pneumonia

11:45 ص , 0 Comments

Symptoms ranging from

Dry cough and then become wet with the evolution of the situation also increase the severity of difficulty in breathing.
Increased respiratory rate.
High temperature "is not in all cases."
Sense of extreme tiredness with the loss of appetite and lethargy.
What are the complications of pneumonia?

Infiltration syndrome (aqueous or pus)
Abscess formation in the lung.
The presence of air in the crystal membrane.
Heart failure.
Toxicity in the blood (blood poisoning).
Finally, it may lead to death.
How can a mother to know that her child is suffering from pneumonia?

Early signs of pneumonia are similar to other diseases caught a cold and bronchitis. And these signs will be in the form of loss of appetite, fever, drowsiness, cough light gradually increases, an increase in self-speed (crying and resulting from the lack of oxygen anxiety) this must be on the motherland If these symptoms go to your physician early for his ability to distinguish between these diseases.

How to behave parent when visiting a doctor 

Work to restore the temperature to normal  and medicine.
No pressure on the child's food.
Interest in addressing warm liquids.
How to diagnose pneumonia?

Early diagnosis relies on clinical examination by a physician and must do extraordinary ray on the chest with some medical tests  whole blood CRP, which serve to follow the situation and their response to treatment.

Treatment of pneumonia

Treatment depends mainly on giving to be decided by the doctor from the following pharmaceutical groups

 Antibiotics .
Extenders for people in some cases.
Placebos cough (over the age of two years)
Oxygen in some cases.
Intravenous solutions in case of difficulty in infants.
The duration of treatment: -
For the treatment of pneumonia than a week to three weeks depending on the severity ranging case and virulent microbe.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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