How to protect yourself from fibrocystic disease of the breast asymptomatic side

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                                                   (Fibrocystic breasts)

The contents of the page

1 - What is fibrocystic disease of the breast

2 - Symptoms

3 - Causes and risk factors

4 - Multiples

5 - Diagnosis

6 - Treatment

Fibrocystic disease of the breast 

It is a case to be fibrocystic breast (Fibrocystic breasts) on the tissue, which when touched to give the impression of lumps or bumps, this is called when doctors lumpy breast tissue (Nodular). These are relatively common condition and may experience (50%) of the women in this case, at some point during their life stage. Therefore, there is an acceptance of the invitation this case breast "fibrocystic" or "fibrous cystic changes in the breast" and not to "fibrocystic disease." However, although this is not a disease, can this situation that causes a feeling of discomfort, and even cause pain in the breast, which may become severe, especially in the period before the menstrual cycle.

Symptoms of fibrocystic disease of the breast

: The symptoms are the following

- The lumps in the breast and thick areas in the breast.

- Pain or increased sensitivity in the breast.

- Variable mass in the breast size all the time, larger and smaller.

- Secretions from the breast is similar color, green and dark brown

- Changes in both breasts

- An increase in the volume of pain or lumps in the breast, during ovulation until the beginning of the menstrual cycle

The fibrous cystic changes, of the qualities of women between the ages of 20-50, but not as common in women a generation of aging, but if they are treated with medication hormonal. Also, it is important to say, that in the case of the continuation of the fibrous cystic changes after monthly bleeding, or when there is a gland diagnosed cystic fibrous sound, and continue to grow, you must go to receive medical advice.

The causes and risk factors for fibrocystic disease of the breast

The exact mechanism that leads to cystic fibrous changes are unknown, but the prevailing hypothesis among researchers is that there is a strong correlation between these changes and the feminine hormone estrogen 

Can, in the examination of breast tissue fibrosis fibrous under the microscope, to determine the number of tissues for these changes:
- Round or oval bags filled with fluid
Fibrous tissue scarring cystic liken
- Excessive growth of a layer of cells lining the milk ducts or the lining of the milk-producing cells.
- Growing in the mammary glands

Complications fibrocystic disease of the breast

Fibrous cystic changes are not accompanied by an increased risk of breast cancer, only if they increase the cells lining the tubes and mammary glands growth of abnormal, meaning that the abnormal cells and shaped differently from healthy cells.
There is an increased risk of the development of breast cancer in women with abnormal changes, compared with the general population. This abnormality can be diagnosed after a biopsy and biopsy (biopsy) of suspicious mass.

Diagnosis of fibrocystic disease of the breast

It is breast exam by monitoring minute and touching of the breast, to investigate the presence of lumps or any other changes; as it is touching the lymph glands in the armpit and neck, to see if they are swollen or stiff. After a physical examination can determine whether there is a fibrous natural cystic changes, or there is a need to undergo further investigations.
Mammography: The doctor may recommend the implementation of this examination, often when they are found on the phenomena of the breast is not clear, or when a woman over the age of 30. The mammograms, through maximum flatness of the breast, thus establishing what are the changes that occur in the breast .
                                                     How is mammography

       Ultrasound: This examination with the help of the return of ultrasound for breast tissue, to get a picture of the breast. In this examination to see breast tissue density in various areas. This examination is carried out several times with screening mammography screening.
Biopsy: When the mass resides, or other suspicious breast area, it can take a piece of the suspicious tissue mass under local anesthesia. The sample sent to the laboratory for characterization, with the help of a microscope and other means.

The treatment of fibrocystic disease of the breast

If symptoms or did not appear when the symptoms are mild. No need for the treatment of fibrocystic breast.
When the pain is severe and the reason tumor in the breast can be done with the help of high-suction fluid from the sac needle. That way is to make sure of two things: First is thus confirm the existence of fibrocystic breast condition, and secondly is thus alleviating pain to remove the cyst.
Directed cyst surgically be in rare cases. But when he returned after pumping several times under the close supervision, it is necessary to eradicate the gland.
In cases that do not cause pain by one bag, it is possible to resort to topical treatment. Then the :treatment is done by drugs such as
- Ordinary painkillers
- Contraceptive medicines that reduce the hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle and reduce the cystic changes fibrous
- Danazol: a drug that mimics the activity of the male hormone testosterone (Testosterone). There are of this drug highly effective in eliminating pain cystic fibrous, but there are side effects, such as acne, which limits the use of this medication.

That lifestyle changes, such as the appropriateness of a padded bra during the day and at night sports bra and released during exercise, reducing drinking caffeine and reduce the amount of fat in the diet, may be useful for some women.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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