Breastfeeding and agility to prevent obesity!
There is a close relationship between breastfeeding and Fitness. A new study now reveals that
breastfeeding can prevent obesity in children later in their lives
Children fed by artificial feeding early, they may consume more calories later in infancy. Compared with children who fed just by breastfeeding, that's what a new study claims
The study followed 1250 children during the first year of their lives. According to the results, children who have been fed by the bottle in the first six months of their lives by alternatives to breast milk or the mother, who was taken from her milk, have shown less ability to curb their appetite in late childhood
The researchers say that this effect may be the reason that studies have found a relationship between breastfeeding and agility and the lower risk of obesity in childhood
Most of the research, which revolved around the question of whether breastfeeding can protect against excess weight and how, focusing on milk components motherland. For example, breast milk contains certain hormones, including leptin (the hormone that first discovered that obesity has to do with balancing the body) and Eladiponiktin which can help in the organization of the child's appetite and metabolic processes has
But the new findings suggest that children eat food is also affecting the way, says senior researcher in the research of Dr. Lee, from the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention. That, breastfeeding can be encouraged to curb appetite in the long term
In this study, it was measured to curb appetite when they were children, ages seven, nine, ten and 12 months. Where mothers were asked how often their babies drank the whole bottle or cup of milk (which contained an alternative to breast milk or breast milk that has been taken from her nipples)
Dr. Lee team found in children who were fed only through breastfeeding during the first six months of their lives, that 27% always or usually finished their cup or bottle. This compares with 54% of children who have been fed by breastfeeding and also by the bottle and - 68% of children who had been fed only by the bottle
When the researchers took into account a number of variables such as maternal weight and level of scientific mothers, family income and assets of the family level, bottle-feeding her infant's own relationship to curb appetite remained down
Children who received more than two-thirds of their food through a bottle early in their lives they had a tendency to drink every cup of milk at more than twice the average of the children who received only one-third of their food through the bottle. Moreover, the pattern emerged clearly in those who included their nutrition through bottle in early breast milk substitutes or the mother, who was taken from her breast milk
Dr. remember me that obesity is a complex issue and include genetic tendency factors and socio-economic factors, which include the habits of exercise and fitness exercises. But breast-feeding is one of the factors that can be controlled in the early stage of a child's life
It is not clear why breastfeeding might encourage better to control the appetite. Dr. Lee explains that when kids eat through breastfeeding, they control the amount of milk they consume, but when the parents feed the child through the bottle may they tend to be a child to end all the bottle every time. This intervention by parents can be detrimental to a child's ability to inhibit fungal calorie consumption has when he felt hungry
Many nursing mothers use a breast pump at some point, especially after they return to work. Dr. Lee suggests that parents pay attention to users for a bottle of the signs that indicate that their child may satiation, such that the child is trying to push the bottle away from him by the tongue or shaking his head or turn his head away from the bottle
"You are not obliged to unload all the bottle"
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